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What Is an Asbestos Survey and Do I Need One?

Paul, Compliance Manager

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

Every responsible builder has to comply with a huge volume of legislation and regulation. Fortunately, our clients have no need to be concerned with most of it, but there are exceptions and an asbestos survey is one of the most important. Where appropriate, an asbestos survey is required by law, but it’s also just possible that it could save you and your builders from serious ill-health so it’s not something you want to try to avoid.

What is an Asbestos Survey and do I need one?

So What Is an Asbestos Survey? Put quite simply an asbestos survey is an inspection of your property by a specialist surveyor to investigate whether any asbestos containing materials are present and if so, what types they are and where they are.

Do I Need an Asbestos Survey? Asbestos was banned in 1999, so if your home was built in 2000 or after, there’s no need for an asbestos survey. Unfortunately, before 2000, asbestos was put to a number of different uses so the asbestos survey is needed.

What Happens During the Asbestos Survey? The surveyor will need access to all areas including the loft, cupboard under the stairs, etc. and will take small unobtrusive samples from anything that could contain asbestos and send them for laboratory analysis.

Can Our Project Start before the Asbestos Survey is Done? No, we can’t do that by law, and just think of the possible consequences if there was asbestos – it would be dangerous for you as well as for the builders.

So Should I Get All Asbestos Removed from My Home? No, there’s no need for that. It’s only when asbestos is disturbed or gets into poor condition that there’s any danger, so the asbestos survey will be useful to you. If there’s any asbestos that doesn’t need removal, but may do in future, the report will give you a recommendation on that.

Will Saunders Brothers Help Me with the Asbestos Survey? Yes of course, we can help you arrange for a licensed professional to carry out your asbestos survey.

How Much Does an Asbestos Survey Cost? It varies according to the premises, but where applicable, we try to include a provisional sum within our tender document.

I’ve Spoken to Other Builders Who Didn’t Mention an Asbestos Survey: We take Health and Safety and our legal obligations very seriously and we’re up front about all aspects of that. We believe every responsible builder should be too.

Saunders Brothers take the Health and Safety of everyone we work with or who comes onto our sites very seriously. If you would like any further information surrounding Asbestos Surveys please get in touch

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